Candidate Questions
Here are the full questions provided to each candidate:
1. Educational experience
Please describe your experience working in or with the education system. How has that experience informed your platform as a school board candidate?
2. Teacher voices
To what extent should teachers have a voice in critical district decisions, policy-making, and budgeting, and how will you make that happen?
3. Teacher compensation
The current board has increased teacher pay enormously over the last two years. However, many teachers still struggle to afford housing and other basic necessities. What is your stance on teacher pay? What are your spending priorities?
4. Discipline
62.7% of CCSD teachers say student misbehavior at their school negatively impacts learning. What is your philosophy toward student discipline and how will you support teachers trying to manage disruptive and disrespectful student behavior?
5. Teacher Planning and non-instructional responsibilities
Time during the day for teachers to plan, prepare, and grade is essential to teacher effectiveness. How will you ensure that planning time is protected, and what efforts will you make to reduce non-instructional responsibilities so teachers can focus on instruction?